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- Hawaiian Meditation 08
Session 8/10
Aloha. Welcome to the Hawaiian Mediation Series. Let’s get started: Please find a comfortable seated position. Focus on your breath, breathe in, breathe out. Breathe in, breathe out. Your breaths in should last two to three seconds. The same is true for your breath out. Be mindful that your breaths out are lasting two to three seconds. As you continue your calming breath, feel your body relax into your seated position.
Proper breathing techniques are important part of Hawaiian culture. In this meditation, we will be practicing Mana-wa. This is the power breath that brings insight and strength into your daily life.
Continue to breathe regularly. Shift your awareness to your abdomen. As you breathe in, be mindful of your abdomen rising. As you breathe out, be mindful of your abdomen falling. Notice how the abdomen, as it is rising, comes to a stop before it begins to fall. Be mindful to keep your awareness focused on your abdomen. While you are continuing to notice the sensation of the rise and fall of your abdomen, with each breath, note that the goal is to not mentally picture the abdomen rising and falling. Instead you are being mindful of the sensation of the rise and fall of your abdomen, as you continue to breathe normally.
It is okay if your attention begins to wander — without being unkind to yourself, calmly bring your awareness back to your breathing. As you then move your awareness back to the sensation of the rising and falling of your abdomen.
If this is your first time practicing this method of meditation, please feel free to label the sensations as “rising” and “falling.” Please be mindful that each sensation, caused by taking regular breaths, should last two to three seconds each. Also, be aware the that the label matches the entire sensation, and it does not happen only at the beginning or the ending of the sensation. As you are breathing in and you are feeling the rising sensation, occurring in your abdomen, you would mentally or aloud say the word “rising,” from the start of the rising to when the rising stops. As you are breathing out and you are feeling the falling sensation, occurring in your abdomen, you would mentally or aloud say the word “falling,” from the start of the falling to when the falling stops.
Continue to breathe regularly. Be mindful to keep your focus on the sensation of the rising and falling of the abdomen. As you breathe in, be mindful of your abdomen rising. As you breathe out, be mindful of your abdomen falling. Notice how the abdomen, as it is rising, comes to a stop before it begins to fall. Be aware to keep your awareness from focusing on this moment, in the flow of your continued regular breathing. While you are continuing to notice the sensation of the rise and fall of your abdomen, with each breath, note that the goal is to not mentally picture anything other than the sensation that is occurring with the rising and falling of the abdomen. As you continue to breathe regularly, be mindful of the present moment and focus on the sensation of rising and falling of your abdomen.
It is okay if your attention begins to wander — without being unkind to yourself, calmly bring your awareness back to your breathing. As you then move your awareness back to the sensation of the rising and falling of your abdomen.
Continue to breathe regularly. Be mindful to keep your focus on the sensation of the rising and falling of the abdomen. As you breathe in, be mindful of your abdomen rising. As you breathe out, be mindful of your abdomen falling. Notice how the abdomen, as it is rising, comes to a stop before it begins to fall. Be aware to keep your awareness from focusing on this moment, in the flow of your continued regular breathing. While you are continuing to notice the sensation of the rise and fall of your abdomen, with each breath, note that the goal is to not mentally picture anything other than the sensation that is occurring with the rising and falling of the abdomen. As you continue to breathe regularly, be mindful of the present moment and focus on the sensation of rising and falling of your abdomen.
Being mindful of your awareness on the sensation of the rising and falling, in your abdomen, slowly begin to take your focus to other parts of your body. Slowly bring movement to your body, starting with your toes, slowly wiggle them and move up your legs, while continuing to slowly bring movement back into your body. Wiggle your fingers and slowly move your arms, into a gentle stretch.
Bring your awareness to your mind. What does your mental state feel like? Be mindful of the strength and calm that comes with practicing Mana-wa. You are more aware of what is and what is not. Enjoy the calmness. Mahalo.
”Be mindful of the strength and calm that comes with practicing Mana-wa. You are more aware of what is and what is not.